About Us
All individuals will be encouraged to participate in the overall cleanliness and daily maintenance of the home they are living in. Assistance with money handling, budgeting, and appropriate purchases will be available if selected. Staff will use each situation as a learning experience, remain positive and always be available when needed. PC/House managers will continue to search for appropriate community resources to assist in teaching on safety, hygiene, health and beauty in which each individual served will have the opportunity to attend if they choose. All aspects of programming will reflect the personal choice of the individual served.FPH believes that clients do have the ability to progress with any given task, however it is necessary to provide documentation that is measurable from month to month. Data collection sheets will be used to measure progress in accordance with outcomes/goals addressed in the Individualized Plan. Data collection sheets will begin with the first step, and continue step by step until the goal/outcomes is met. The data collection sheet will be designed in a way that the staff is offering assistance to the individual and recording the participation. Although we realize that there is an enormous amount of paperwork we will strive to make it as informative as possible in the least amount of time. At the end of the month, the PCs will report on a DDS-62, and the information will show progress or areas that may need specialized attention.

A letter from the CEO
Presiding as the CEO of Fretzpark Homes, Inc. (FPH) has been one of the greatest experiences of my life, and I am grateful for being allowed to build this company into a flourishing residential agency that currently serves close to 50 service recipient’s and their families, and employ over 80 employees whom are responsible for the care of these individuals.I was contacted in 2006 by Loy and Anne Puffinbarger, regarding a group home that they had built, however, they like most parents, were not at all familiar with the DDS program and needed someone to lead them in the right direction. After meeting with Loy and Anne we agreed that we would apply to DDS to serve people with developmental disabilities within their residential programming system. Fretzpark Homes, Inc. was approved in May of 2007 and in July of 2007 the original 5 service recipients, who still reside at the group home, spent their first night in their new home! They were excited to be there and we were excited to finally be up and running.On a personal level it was a dream come true, that I was able to create an environment where we could employ good people and provide a residential service that was above and beyond all others. It took an extensive amount of paperwork initially, however once the application was completed the process moved rather smoothly. I was determined to find the perfect core team members for FPH. I was privileged to hire the best administrative assistant; Jamesetta Lewis, who retains all information needed to run the FPH office and is often the go to person for staff, in addition to Professionals and State employee’s. Chidi Okoroafor was next on my radar to lead the residential program at FPH. I had the pleasure of working with Chidi, with his knowledge of the program, as well as his willingness to advocate for our service recipients, he was the ONLY person for the job! Chidi has a special way with our service recipients, and that cannot be mimicked or cloned. With Jamesetta, Chidi, Loy, Anne, and I FPH began to grow serving clients in all areas within months. Currently, we have the most incredible administration staff, and each of them bring strength and character to FPH. They are vested in FPH and the service we provide, and they strive to be EXCEPTIONAL!In addition to providing services, it was very important to Loy and Anne that I assist families who call in need of guidance, as well as meet with committees and chambers to discuss what services FPH offer. I take the time to help guide the family, whether it means spending time with them on the telephone, or meeting with them in person. I have presented our residential program to several committees, which Loy and Anne are affiliated with, to explain the programs we serve, and the creation of this wonderful company. FPH offers this on a free basis as Loy and Anne have a personal understanding of how difficult the system can be to dissect. FPH would not be here today if were not for the dedication and determination of Loy and Anne to personally finance this project and entrusting that I could make the group home as well as an agency run independently. Each and every person; staff and individuals served made FPH what it is today, and though they may have moved on they paved the way for the future of FPH, and we are a better organization because they chose US! We celebrated our 10th anniversary in 2017. It can be challenging, I embrace this opportunity that I have been given, and I am 100% dedicated to the success and future development of FPH.
Kelly Silla
CEO, Fretzpark Homes, Inc.